Programme of Events

2024 – 25 Season

Monday 9th September ‘24

Open evening

In-house tyer & refreshments.

Opportunity to join and/or renew membership.​

Monday 14th October​ ‘24

Rich Ringham (Apache Flies)

Monday 11th November ’24

Regan Skinner (Demonstration led tying)

Monday 9th Decembe​r ‘24

Charles Jardine

Monday 13th January ’25

Mark Hamnet

Monday 10th February​ ’25

Dave Provan & Regan Skinner

Monday 10th March ’25

A.G.M. ​plus table top sale

Monday 14th April ’25

Chris Reeves

Monday 13th May ’25

Casting Clinic

Monday 10th June ’25

End of Season Event

Two in-house tyers & refreshments